Thursday, July 23, 2009

what's up HOMMEboy?

let's get to know my fetishy friend Mr. Michael Scott Hertzberg, owner and creator of

Michael Scott Hertzberg is a multi-talented faggot with a history in software development, web design, graphic design and high in retail industry sales. Currently, he is a part-time blog enthusiast, fashion entrepreneur, gay bar hopper and freelance menswear designer, who has worked with the likes of Tim Hamilton, Yoko Devereaux and The Breed.
Michael's fashionista(ish) blog is pretty rad and has a lot details on inside event kind of shit. Check it out. Because if I like it, you will like it.

Mikey is on the left, where as Cockpit designer, Rudy Gonzales is on the right. These two can be found @ any local gay bar drinking their days away. Best chance to spot these two is Ate Ave Happy Hour getting shit faced on girly Charlies Angels. typical.

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